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The Five Capitals model of sustainability

The overall sustainability vision is being encapsulated within a sustainability framework which is based on five defined factors: the people, the physical infrastructure, the social network, the natural environment, and the economic aspects. This approach is focussed on creating value with the aim to realise real term and tangible benefits.

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Physical Capital


Creating high quality buildings ensures PHYSICAL VALUE is increased where buildings and infrastructure project an image of design for longevity and allow people to navigate easily on foot/by bicycle.

Social Capital


By enabling community identity, SOCIAL VALUE is increased where a great place brings people together, and creates a community.

Economic Capital


By ensuring equity for all, ECONOMIC VALUE is increased where all users of a place feel they have a level of ownership of the asset and buy-in to the outcomes it is seeking to achieve.

Human Capital


With a focus on people, HUMAN VALUE is increased where quality and longevity of life is improved and happiness is increased.

Natural Capital


By seeking to achieve positive gain, NATURAL VALUE is increased where existing quality is protected and new complimentary resources are introduced.

Pathway to sustainable development

As illustrated below, the pathway to sustainable outcomes requires global thinking and local action. The pathway includes the following considerations:


  • The global challenges, including climate, biodiversity and health and wellbeing.

  • United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals.

  • National and local policy.

  • Landowner/client vision.


The emerging strategy for West Bersted is following this hierarchical approach, ensuring that each aspect responds not only to the local policy and context of the site, but with understanding of its regional, national, and global impact and responsibility to mitigate its contribution to the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis, whilst positively facilitating residents to be healthy, happy and well.


Sustainability Charter

Whilst an aspirational vision from the outset is essential, all too easily can this be lost when progressing through early design phases, outline planning application, reserved matters, construction, and eventual occupation of the development.


To ensure the vision for an exemplary sustainable development is delivered on the ground, a Sustainability Charter is being created. This Charter will capture the key objectives of the development, identify metrics to gauge their success, and set targets against which the development design and operation will be monitored throughout the design and construction process.


Emerging Vision

Within each of the capitals, it was also possible to establish a suite of high-level objectives which seek to capture the breadth of the approaches and outcomes sought. Together, these take shape as an emerging Vision for West Bersted, which will form the foundation for the emerging Charter.


Emerging Vision for West Bersted, including the themes and priorities shaping its ambition.

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